Google is a company that currently dominate the internet world today. But Google is still under the Microsoft and Oracle. Even if Google were to dominate the world of the Internet. This is the 14 Best Products of Google Not dimili by other companies, such as Google Search Here it is Google's flagship products are second to none.
Google is the World's Largest Search Engines. About 70% of Internet users searching for information using Google.Google AdWords and Google AdSense (Google PPC) Google AdWords is an advertising service that Google made it easier for someone to advertise on the internet and then those ads displayed on Google AdSense.
While Google AdSense is a service that facilitates a blogger / webmaster to monetize their websites and ads that appear come from Google AdWords. Blogger Blogger is a platform weblogging the acquisition by Google of Pyra Labs for $ 1.2 million dollars in 2003. Blogger blogging easier for a person to operate it because of convenience. YouTube YouTube is a video sharing service and website most frequented in the world (according to Alexa fourth).
Google acquired YouTube in 2006 for 1.65 billion dollars. Google Maps Google Maps In my opinion it is composed of Google Earth, Google Moon, and Google Mars, a Search Engine that is used to find a place / location. GoogleEarth used to locate / place on Earth. Google Moon used to find a place / location on the Moon while Google Mars used to find a place / location on Mars.
Google Analystic Is a website analysis service / bloggers (weblog service owned by Google) observing the traffic of a website. We can find out from which countries our visitors come, they look for our website from any website, and our website articles most read by the visitors. Google Page Rank is a Ranking of the website owned by Google.
A website that has a low rank is low berangking 0. Website is 1-3. Webiste which has a pretty good ranking is 4-6. And websites that have a good rank is 7-10. But still it's Google Page Rank is still below the Alexa Page Rank belongs to Android Android is an Open Source Mobile OS first in the world and is the most phenomenal OS. This OS has dominated the mobile OS market in the World Smartphone. Google Webmasters Google Webmasters is a service that makes it easy to webmasters and bloggers to be the best on the internet.
This service provides a sitemap so that developments and changes in the blog / website we were always observed by Google either daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Google In Sight and Google Hot Trends Both of these services is a service that allows us to find the inspiration to write the article by finding the most searched keywords and search for news / information that are hot on the Internet. Google Translate Google Translate is an online service penerjmah world. We can translate the contents of a website simply by copying the website link to Google Translate.
Google Chrome OS Google Chrome OS is an OS that bebasis Cloud Computing (Cloud Computasi) first in the world. This OS is an OS that is web based and is open source. So if you use Google Chrome OS we should have a great interner connection. FeedBurner FeedBurner is Google's RSS service second to none because most bloggers and webmasters that use the service to alleviate website / blog by RSS Feed.
Google Street View Google Street View is a service owned by Google that is used to look at a place / location directly. We can see a place / lokasidi countries (Germany, Japan, Australia, UK, USA, Singapore, France, Canada) only from the internet. This service is a service that most Controversy Reaping Other than Google service because they threaten the person's privacy. That's 14 Best Products of Google Not Owned Companies.
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