Sunday, November 29, 2015


When I noticed, today more and more entrepreneurs are emerging in Indonesia. Not only the large scale entrepreneur but also small and medium enterprises, even small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is currently experiencing a significant increase growth. A business opportunity with a small capital to get people to try to establish his own business. Quite a lot of small and medium entrepreneurs are not only open its existing store physical but virtual stores on the Internet that can reach more people, even some online entrepreneurs I know have an income that makes me "drool" hehehe. Well after I saw online business acquaintance of mine was very successful, I am interested in making articles related to the business, both offline and online business.

Some would-be entrepreneurs often encounter obstacles when they want to start a business for them. And the constraints that we often hear is the lack of initial capital to start their business. Maybe you think it would be better to borrow money from the bank or look for investors, it is true that step can be done but it is not easy. Most banks and business investors will definitely ask our previous business experience as well as other information that we do not have, and finally we can not get the capital. Then, if a lack of capital a barrier for us to start a business that we want? Of course not! We can start a business that can be done even with minimal capital because we can find a lot of business opportunities small capital around us.

If we talk about small capital business means that we must still have enough capital to start the business. We still have to spend money, besides that we also have to have a non-material capital such as knowledge of the business to be run, capital willingness and effort. We can take advantage of what is around us to maximize the business to be run, for example, utilizing the home as a place of business in order to reduce the cost of rent, utilize family members in running the business to reduce the cost of employee salaries, and others.

Related article: home-based business opportunities

Some business opportunities with small capital are often carried out by small and medium businesses:

A. Business Offline from Home

There are so many business opportunities small capital that can be done from home. We can do all processes run the business well without having to rent a place. However we have to consider the market that are all around us, whether there will be people who need the product that we sell there? Here are some types of home-based business with a small capital we can do:

1. Opening sewing services

Many people who want to sew garments with a model and a certain size, now they have certainly always looking for sewing clothes for their services. This business is very suitable for people who have an interest in fashion, surely you must have skills in sewing and designing clothes.

2. Culinary Business

If you have recipes that are unique or can make a snack that is favored by many people, then you should consider this business. This business is very suitable for people who liked about culinary. Not a few people who successfully run a food business, even a growing business and open branches in other places.

Recommended reading: #bisnis culinary franchise #bisnis

3. Selling electrical pulses

Starting a business selling pulses at this time is very easy with a capital of Rp 100,000 - Rp 300,000 we can start this business, suited done anywhere and anyone. If you are someone who is active in a network, an organization whose members quite a lot, or a college student, then the business can be very profitable selling pulses know because we can sell it to friends who are in the network, organization, campus.

4. Open the private lessons

If we have the ability in certain fields, for example; guitar, English, computer, and others, we can give private lessons at home or can also be done in other places depending on the conditions.

5. Opening the shop or the grocery store

This business has a lot to do so we should see the level of competition there is, the location, and also the capital we have.

6. Business Services design, photo editing, and printing

Surely we must have the ability to use photo editing software, such as CorelDraw, Photoshop, and more. To open a business digital printing or digital printing, you do not have to have a huge capital. We can partner with digital printing businesses are already underway, such as Wanabi Print.

7. Opening laundry services

Laundry business will be in demand when it is located near the campus, boarding house. If we look at the laundry business is getting more and more diverse services, some even offering to pick clothes from which the laundry. If you feel this fits with your business then you should immediately do so because this business will always be sought after by many people.

Related article: Franchises small capital

B. Online Business from Home

Online business is perfect when combined with offline business that we have. For example, we have a shop selling beautiful furniture, now we can sell our furniture it online, and of course the market will be more extensive because it can reach more people. If we do not have an offline business, we can still build a business online. Here are some online businesses that can be done from home with little capital:

1. Business Affiliates

This is a business that many are run by many internet marketers either abroad or in the country. We do not have to have a product, but we can sell other people's products through the Internet, either through blogs, social media, email, and others, and we get a percentage commission from the total price of the goods sold dijual.Produk also vary, There are no products in physical form, digital form, and also in the form of membership.

2. Business By Making Online Store

Having an online store is now very easy. This business can be run by people who have an offline store and want to increase sales by selling online. But this business can also be done by people who do not have a product, that is by joining the dropship system offered by a manufacturer of goods.

Recommended reading: #Toko online

3. Business Advertising on blog / website

This business is very suitable for people who have a website or a blog with high visitor traffic. One of the advertising business model is to follow the program PPC (pay per click) like Google Adsense, Bidvertiser, kliksaya, Kumpulbloger, and others. In addition to PPC advertising, other advertising business model is to offer ad space on your blog with a price that you specify.

4. Being a freelance writer

Nowadays pretty much know that his profession as a freelance writer, be it writing articles in English or writing articles Indonesian. For the article in English its rates usually more expensive than Indonesian article. There are few places that can be explored to get a job than those who are seeking authors of the article, for example:,, and much more.

5. Online MLM Business

This is a Multi Level Marketing business that is run online. Unlike conventional MLM binsi which usually takes time and energy to the activities of the meeting, follow up prospective member, and the purchase of goods, all the process can be done online. However, please note that not all MLM business has a good system, make sure the MLM business online that you follow has great products and a great system and profitable.

Related article: MLM #Bisnis

6. Sell Services Online

There are many services that can be sold online. One of them is a service to create a website / blog professionally or often referred to as a web developer. Business opportunities that this one I think is very potential because not many people who can create a professional website for their business. Read my review of business opportunities to become a web developer.

Actually there are many business opportunities small capital we can do from home but unfortunately I can not write them all in this short article. One thing we need to remember that although the business or businesses that run only with a small capital gain does not mean that we will get too small. The proof is a business acquaintance of mine, he does not have their own product, with a small capital he runs dropship business, but earnings in getting extraordinary, even greater than the salary of a bank manager. Vision and mission, passion and hard work that is carried out continuously it will provide maximum results, may even exceed our expectations. I hope this article inspires you.

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